If a child's progress is significantly slower than that of their peers or fails to match their previous rate of progress, it may be that the child has special educational needs (SEN). In these cases, information would be gathered, including seeking the views of parents and the pupil, and the child would be placed on the SEND register.
Only those with a learning difficulty that requires special educational provision will be identified as having SEN. We will work with parents to help identify a child's main area of need. We may use specific assessments to give us a clear understanding of the difficulties being faced.
These assessments could include:
Using Bedfordshire Speech and Language toolkit and screeners
Using 'Nessy' Dyslexia Screener
Phonological Screener
We also work closely with other agencies, such a ASD advisory, JIGSAW, Early intervention team, Early Years SEND team and the Educational Psychologist. This helps us ensure the correct provision is in place for your child.
Supporting children with SEND
If your child is identified as having a special educational need that requires additional provision above that of which can be covered by quality first teaching then they will be placed on our SEN register and a learning plan will be created. Parents will be invited into school to discuss your child's targets and assess their progress three times per year. Full details can be found in our SEN policy and information report.