
Templefield Lower School

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  • Total Attendance 95.9%
  • Year 4 Attendance 94.3%
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  • Reception Attendance 96.6%
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We believe that the History education of all pupils in our school is vital in providing the knowledge and skills that they need to fully appreciate how our world has been changed and influenced by humans, their achievements and how these events are responsible for changing and shaping the world that we live in. Through the teaching of carefully chosen ‘Big Pictures’, we are inspiring our children’s curiosity. We encourage our children to ask questions to deeper their knowledge and understanding of key historical events. Through Historical Enquiry we teach our children to consider the actions of people in the past, why they acted as they did and the impact that these decisions have had on our lives and the world today. We take the children on a journey into the past so that they can compare and contrast their own lives to those in the past. By teaching the children about the past we are ensuring they have a better understanding of the world that we live in.


At Templefield, our History is taught through cleverly designed ‘Big Pictures,’ that capture our children’s interest and curiosity about events in the past that have helped shape our world today.


Our whole school approach to teaching History involves the following:

  • ‘Big Pictures,’ that are a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.
  • A Progression of skills document that incorporates the expected learning outlined in the National Curriculum.
  • Giving children opportunities to practise the skills stated within the following areas of learning: Chronological Understanding, Range and Depth of Historical Knowledge, Historical Interpretation, Historical Enquiry, Organisation and Communication.
  • First quality teaching to ensure that our pupils will gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
  • Carefully designed sessions to ensure that the children can practise the required skills within the different areas stated in the Progression of Skills document.
  • A range of teaching and learning experiences to help bring history to life and to make it more memorable.
  • Each child recording their learning journey in their Wider Curriculum books, through a variety of stimulating activities.
  • Display boards that provide background knowledge of the ‘Big Picture,’ and celebrate the work produced by the children.
  • Opportunities for our pupils to experience what life would have been like for people and children living within the different historical time periods by taking them on trips and visits.
  • Themed days that mark and commemorate significant events in Britain’s History, such as Remembrance Day and the Queen’s Jubilee.
  • Celebrating Black History Month to acknowledge the achievements made by people of African or Caribbean heritage.


Through History, our pupils will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of events that have shaped Britain’s past and that of the wider world. They will begin to understand significant aspects of history, gain a historical understanding of abstract terms through the use of relevant vocabulary within each ‘Big Picture,’ understand how people’s actions have bought about continuity and change, cause and consequence, how evidence is used to support the argument of why and how events occurred and begin to build a chronological knowledge of when events occurred in the past and why some events have a direct influence on subsequent events that have followed.

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