Your child will be starting school in September,
we have put together a list of things that we believe will support your child to be school ready!
⭐️Self care⭐️
▪️I can use the toilet independently
▪️I can wash and dry my own hands
▪️I can blow my own nose
▪️I can ask for help if I feel unwell
▪️I can put my own coat on and off
▪️I can put my own shoes on and off
▪️I can get change out of my clothes and put different ones on
▪️I can pour my own drinks
▪️I can open my packed lunch box and eat independently
▪️I can use a knife and fork
▪️I can sit at a table when I eat
⭐️Social and Emotional⭐️
▪️I am confident being away from my mummy, daddy or main carer
▪️I am able to express my emotions, thoughts and needs to be met
▪️I am willing to try
▪️I am able to turn take and share
▪️I can interact and play games with others
▪️I try to be a good friend
▪️I have persistence
▪️I can problem solve
⭐️Gross and fine motor skills⭐️
▪️I have gained good muscle control in my hands
▪️I can hold a pen comfortably ️
▪️ I have good balance
▪️I am confident within climbing, jumping, and running ♂️
▪️I am learning to manage my own risks ️
⭐️Listening and understanding⭐️
▪️I can follow boundaries and routines
▪️ I am able to sit still for a short while and listen
▪️I can follow instructions
⭐️Literacy and Speaking⭐️
▪️I am understood when I talk
▪️I am able talk about myself, my thoughts and feelings
▪️ I am exploring and interested in books, pictures stories, and music
▪️I am practicing to recognise my own name when it’s written down
⭐️Maths Skills⭐️
▪️I am aware of numbers and counting
▪️I join in with number words, songs and play
▪️I experiment with emptying and filling sand/water containers
▪️I can recognise some written numbers ️
▪️I look at numbers in my community
▪️I have practiced getting my uniform on and being ready to leave on time
▪️I have a good bedtime routine so I am not tired for school
▪️I am learning to eat at the same time as I would at school
▪️I am making sure I have breakfast before I leave for school